Diana Marlin
3 min readJun 1, 2021

For many, the holiday season is one of the most hectic and joyful time of the year, complete with friends, family, and endless amounts of gifts. As much as we try, no holiday will ever go off without a hitch. Crazy shoppers, jam-packed schedules, and feeling over-generous are just some of the holiday season stressors. Follow these tips on how to survive the holiday season.

holiday season

Shop Smart
While the rest of the world is playing tug of war over the last pair of fuzzy socks in a department store, order yours straight to your door. In recent years, Black Friday has been regarded as the best shopping day of the year, but Cyber Monday offers something even better: convenience.

Many stores offer great deals for all the products and holiday gifts you need for the season, often with free shipping. If you miss out on Cyber Monday, don’t worry, most stores offer savings and deals starting in early November. That means you can get all your online holiday shopping done without ever leaving the comfort of your own home.

Make Reservations Early
There is nothing worse than realizing you can’t make it home for Thanksgiving dinner or Christmas morning. Too often people wait to book air travel or buy train tickets until the last minute only to find they are all sold out.

As soon as you know your holiday season travel needs, make reservations to avoid being left home alone. Whether you need ground transportation to the airport or train station, An Extra Ordinar Limo Ride has you covered.

Plan Fewer Activities
During the holiday season, it can feel like you are simply going through the motions instead of spending quality time with one another. Every weekend is consumed by an hour’s car ride to someone’s house for dinner, followed by endless pictures, and another hour trip home.

While it is always nice to see family members and loved ones, try to plan fewer activities that will actually create meaningful and lasting memories.

Instead of another family dinner, plan to go see a holiday light show, ice skating, volunteer for a local charity, or play outside in the snow. Don’t be afraid to make new traditions that are better for the whole family.

With fewer activities on the schedule, you will also have more time for yourself. Don’t take your holiday days off work for granted or you’ll be burnt out before the new year begins.

Manage Expectations
Many people cling to the idea of having a “perfect” holiday season. Not only is this impossible, but it also serves to add more stress to your year’s end. The holiday season is a time to be together, not fixate on the gifts you did or did not receive.

It’s time to throw your idyllic thoughts out the window and focus on what matters. Learn to manage expectations by being open and honest with friends and family about your gift-exchange. Set budgets or choose a creative gift exchange idea.

Rather than buying a gift for every single member of your family, participate in Secret Santa or White Elephant to ensure everyone is happy without breaking the bank.

